Race horses escape from Kentucky racetrack "Keenland", found wondering on University of Kentucky's campus!

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Race horses escape from Kentucky racetrack

Two race horses from Keenland racetrack were found walking down East Maxwell St earlier in the morning on November 1st. It is not clear how horses, " Man O' War" and "Seabiscuit" got loose but they were found and then safely returned back to the stables of the racetrack. It is a 6 mile difference between Keenland racetrack and the campus of University of Kentucky. Local news reporter interviewed the local college student that found these horses standing on their front porch. To watch this interview and to find more information on the situation, click the link here > https./horsesontheloose/ky.com

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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