The Great August 25 2035 Yellowstone Caldera Eruption

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The Great August 25  2035 Yellowstone Caldera Eruption

The 2035 Yellowstone Caldera Eruption was an super-volcanic eruption that wiped out 50 of life on Earth. This eruption was so violent that people say this is much more worser than the last eruption 640,000 years ago, In fact this eruption was so violent that researcher's have found as much as 5 feet of ash in Europe. It blasted out 2,500 cubic km of ash lava and rocks 1,000 feet into the air and brought an ash cloud 600 to 5,000 miles away from its origin. Las Vegas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Chicago, Nashville, and most of all Washington DC had it worse of all with lava going all the way to the Pacific and the ash cloud traveling at 600 miles per hour.
Yellowstone Erupting wiping out Yellowstone National Park
Volcano. Yellowstone Caldera
Date. August 25, 2035
Time. 12:30 PM
Eruption type Major world event
Location Yellowstone Caldera
Fatalities 1,100,999
Damages $100.12 Trillion Dollars
Other impacts 50 of life on Earth wiped out, World temps dropped by -30 degrees

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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