MSNBC News……Current Mayor of Saint Simons accused of attacks on rival candidate

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MSNBC News……Current Mayor of Saint Simons accused of attacks on rival candidate

Current mayor of Saint Simon’s, Le-Roy, while still under investigation of chicken molesting, is now accused of an attack on a rival candidate. Exclusive photos show the Le-Roy attacking Steve, a rival candidate for mayor of Saint Simons. Steve is pulling even in the polls and was a major contributor to the story of Le-Roy and the chicken molestation. Steve, when I asked about pressing charges, said “no he doesn’t play that way I’m a good fair citizen and only want the best for Saint Simons and as for poor Le-Roy, he’s just desperate at this point.” The dirt just keeps piling up on Mayor Le-Roy….

This is a satirical website. Don't take it Seriously. It's a joke.

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